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Remember The High Cost of Complacency; Stay Angry

Rage Before the Results

We must remember the high cost of complacency:. that feeling in the pit of my stomach stopping me from turning on the tv, pulling up Twitter, or checking my texts demands and deserves respect. Tonight, November 3rd, 2020, demands reflection, no? I want to remember that feeling, remember the high cost of complacency; and I want to stay angry, if that’s what it takes to keep myself and others involved in the political process.

No Matter Who Wins, Stay Angry

The light at the end of the tunnel is just the light of an oncoming train.

-Robert Lowell

Even if Biden wins, we can’t celebrate a Democratic victory when  238,641 are dead, and at least 160,522 additional Americans, who are enjoying writing, tweeting, reading, watching TV, tucking in their kids and grandkids this evening, will be dead before that man leaves office; many of whom unknowingly contracted the virus today. During the next three months, as cases skyrocket in this second wave, Trump and his enablers like Dr. Atlas will stand beside and root for herd immunity to take place. They’ll probably even encourage us to “not be afraid and travel for Christmas.” Even if they are led out of the White House in handcuffs, the evil that man and the GOP has done in the name of greed will live on. Make no mistake-for them, the fight is still on, and now we know what the object is; what the stakes are, and how far they are willing to go. The object? Money- more money-lots more. The stakes? The lives of the human beings, their own countrymen; they’re willing without a thought to it, to dispose of for profit.

No More Complacency While They Count Their Money

Mitch McConnell, who can’t keep the smile off his face, or stop chuckling as he fights incessantly to take health insurance from 20 million people in the midst of a pandemic.; a man who, when asked about the deaths, said “it is what it is,” and whose son referred to that amount of deaths of American citizens as “almost nothing”. They didn’t fake even a bit of respect. It’s one thing to not care about human lives at all, it’s another thing to laugh while rubbing it in our faces, and completely on a level of arrogance that incomprehensible to a human with a conscience to claim to be the party of pro-Life while doing so.

Don’t Waste 2020’s Lessons

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. “

Edmund Burke

I knew the pandemic would be bad, real bad. I knew Trump wasn’t interested doing anything other than bailing out billionaires. When he put Pence in charge of the task force he sealed our fate. Pence was hands-off rom the beginning. He believed that any disease, any mayhem would just hasten the Tribulation that he believes in. He’s entitled to believe whatever he pleases, He’s not entitled to make policy decisions based upon it that cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans who had no say in the matter. Months later, digesting the idea that what I knew to be true actually was true gave me the courage to write, ad the courage to fight.

Never Forget

Remember the RAGE that you felt last night, and the fear you felt in March of this year, when no sooner was there a shutdown but a too early re-opening, wasting everything. I want you to remember the feeling of being frightened of the decisions of the government in a democracy! Those government officials were elected by you to work FOR YOU, not against you. For the next three months, we will be forced to reap the fruits of our ignorance of the system; we were not adequate watchdogs. No matter how much free time we don’t have, we must be on guard, or pay the price of our lives. Never forget your rage and fear.. that feeling in the pit of your stomach, or the people directly responsible for it.  Remember the high cost of complacency: stay angry.


Well, its fairly late at night and I just chose to look at the results. It seems my blog is aptly named after all. I was thinking it might have been a little negative. I remember back in March when I used to listen to REM’s “It’s the End of the World As We Know It” a lot while driving; and even noted that its chorus was the perfect length to sing while compulsively washing my hands after touching anything I bought from the grocery store. You know it’s bad when things …it’s the end of the world as we know it….and I feel SICK. But we will fight on.

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I am deeply concerned about the breakdown of communication and therefore empathy and frankly, human decency that is occurring all over the developed world, not just the United States.
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