The Dangers of Complacency

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

-Edmund Burke

What’s At Stake in The 2022 Midterms?

TLDR: Everything

After you stop laughing about how anyone could be complacent in these times, you must understand the dangers of being complacent for any period of time. you need to understand exactly what is at stake in the 2022 midterm elections. Midterms. That doesn’t sound that important. It’s only a few House seats, no? That’s what they want you to think right now, because the longer you don’t realize what’s going to happen, the higher probability the GOP has of success. I started to realize this problem this past weekend when I heard one of the Representatives state on one of the talking heads shows, I can’t remember which one, but he stated that he and others have thrown their unwavering supporting Trump behind Trump because “Trump was going to support people in the midterms. So what’s at stake in the midterms, anyway? Well, every single seat in the House of Representatives is what is at stake. But wait, there’s more. There are seats in the Senate that are up for grabs. They’re not mentioning this much- because again, every day we don’t realize of what’s at stake is another day they gain.

Our Side Won The Battle But Not The War- Not Even Close

Philadelphia -2016 – Where I lived was not far from where the Liberty Bell is located. The day after Trump’s election, I went to the glass pavilion, that houses the Liberty Bell, directly across from Independence Hall. The bell hangs from a post inside a glass window. As I stood and looked at it in the fading twilight. I took solace in rational thought; the founding fathers were flawed but intelligent men. They included checks and balances into the constitution. I never thought we would have a leader that would use the very system the founders created to remove all of those checks and balances. I never thought four years later, the most sacred parts of that system would be at risk. And I certainly never thought that the US Capitol Building would be attacked by group far-right insurgents that the President of the United States The time to demand change is NOW.

Action Required

I cannot and will not say it enough; the time to demand change is NOW. Yes, it will demand some discomfort, but at least it is not the pointless discomfort of servitude to the billionaires at the expense of our lives. No. This will be sacrifice for the good of the country and our future, WE MUST ROOT ALL WHO WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS TRAVESTY, THIS SHAME, we must root them out today. If we do not, we have endured all this for nothing, and our children will either continue to endure it or have to fix our mess; both are unfair. The GOP built a lasting legacy during Trump’s years in office. We need to build ours and defend it as well.

Change Will Not Be Fast, Easy or Comfortable-But It Is Necessary

This is deeply entrenched.; this treason, this disregard for the value and dignity of life of citizens that have been born. I saw it when Trump started to appoint his cabinet after his inauguration. You may remember some of the names: Sebastian Gorka with his Nazi pin, billionaire Betsy Devos, no experience in education but lots of money…but when I really saw it, really became concerned, was when in the press conference after Trump’s inauguration, we were told that we did not see what we plainly did see. He made no bones about it, Kelly Ann Conway laid it all out for us. We did not see what we saw. He and his people would “interpret” and “tell” us what we saw. Period, That’s the way it was going to be. In fact, that was the day we were introduced to “alternative facts.” Remember that? It was the beginning of this long journey of living in a dictatorship. Once someone tells you that you did not see what you clearly did see, they are trying to manipulate your reality ; and that is what Trump and his henchmen have done to United States Citizens for the last four years, so much so I’m not sure we can try all of those in power who were responsible without help.

Traitor Trump says that “Republicans have a good memory.” Well so do I, and since I had such interesting and varied experiences during these dark years of American history, I was able to keep a detailed journal which I can refer to when necessary, though I am not sure I will ever forget what it was like to be a part of this horrible chapter in American history.

They’re already strategizing for 2022. Are you?